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Dell laptop goes straight to black screen with blinking cursor

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My laptop is an Inspiron 1525 with Windows Vista operating system.

Previously my computer had viruses and a trojan which stopped it from working so I switched it to safe mode and attempted to remove the problem with Webroot and Malwarebytes. This seemed to have worked but everytime I tried to start normally the system would run slow and then crash forcing me to go to safe mode and run a virus scan and deletion again.

Now, when I attempt to activate my laptop the first Dell screen comes on with the white loading bar on bottom comes up but all that remains after that is a black screen with a blinking cursor. Anytime I attempt to use a function key the machine merely beeps and the cursor remains blinking. I have my files backupped on an external so I can get a new computer if that is the only option but I would like to save this one if possible.
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