I have just recovered from a virus that had made all my files hidden files. The problem now is that they are remaining hidden files. I need a way to turn them all back from hidden w/out manually doing it. Also the programs that were removed from the install/uninstall list when i got the virus, remain removed. I want to uninstall Internet Explorer since it was damaged when I used ComboFix (I assume since it stopped working when the virus was fully removed) I use Firefox anyways so i don't really care about it but i want to uninstall it. lol. At first i had thought that the hidden files was fixed but only about half of the files were actually fixed w/ RogueKiller.
This isn't a malware problem. It is just settings that were left behind from the malware that still remain.
e/ RogueKiller also made some folders that are suppose to remain hidden and system folders that are also hidden into unhidden :G.. Here is one case:
btw "Hide protected operating system files" was already clicked.
Edited by Kasey21, 12 May 2011 - 03:12 AM.