I'm new to this forum, so hello all and please be gentle with me.
I have a Dell Inspiron 1525 Laptop.
It runs on Vista (service pack 2).
32-bit Operating System
Memory: 2.00GB
For the last few months, I've been getting BSOD. The blue screen goes too fast for me to be able to read what it says in full. However, when I've gone into event manager, I've seen that the computer was rebooted from a bugcheck.
I've also seen before the blue screen disappears on me the following:
Can anyone please help and let me know what I can do to solve the problem. I've uploaded my Memory dump file, in the hope that someone can interpret it for me. I tried to do it myself with Windows debugger but got really lost and thought I'd do more harm than good
Apologies in advance for missing out any vital information, but I'm not very clued up on Techie stuff. Please ask if I have missed anything out.