Hi. About two months ago, I purchased my new Eee PC T101MT which has Windows 7. When I first used it, the PC was working fine. I downloaded some things onto it such as: Microsoft Office Ultimate, Foxit, Quicktime 7, Avast, Internet Explorer 9, Adobe 9, and Epson stylus CX8400 series printer software. I had to use a “Slim External DVD Writer” by Samsung to install M. Office and the printer software. After installing these, I became quite busy so I didn’t use my PC until about a month later. Once I started to use my PC again, then I discovered this freezing problem. When starting up the PC, I can get to the desktop, but then to no other program, etc..The cursor stays as the loading version of it, thus, leaving me unable to click on any program to open it up. I am still able to move the cursor around though. I also notice the icon for my internet connection in the bottom right corner of my screen is stuck on the loading image as well.
Here’s some things I’ve tried:
1) waiting about half an hour to see if it would stop loading; this was unsuccessful.
2) starting my computer in “Safe Mode” and it worked fine.
3) I was wondering if there was a problem with something I downloaded. For M. Office, I tried running their “Microsoft Office Diagnostics” tool, did all five of its “runs,” and then found no problems with it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.