I followed the steps in these forums that directed me to do the following:
"No program start menu found." Installing Blizzard Entertainment Games on Vista x64
"No program start menu found." Installing Blizzard Entertainment Games on Vista x64
Installing Blizzard games on Vista x64 gives this error message.
1) Start, run, regedit
2) Navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurr ent VersionExplorerShell Folders"
3) If there is no string in there called "Programs" put that in with the value: (note the double slashes - escape sequences - which are necessary)
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Wind ows\Start Menu\Programs
4) If the string is already present, and you are running Vista with UAC enabled (it prompts you to Continue/Cancel and/or enter a password before installing the game) log off, log on as an administrator, and install the game, and any expansion packs necessary.
5) Go into Program Files (x86)StarCraft and grant "COMPUTERUsers" full access to all subdirectories and all files.*
This will ensure you're able to save games, replays, download new maps, and update the application WITHOUT being an administrator.
If you get an error message:
Type "regedit" into the Start Menu search box. Right click on the application, and run as administrator.
Unfortunately, this did not work. Also, Microsoft had a Fix-It tool that I used, which put several things into my User Shell Folders.
Such as the very string the above step suggested. But, there is still the error while trying to install my games.
Any help?