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ReinstallingXP OK, but what the?

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Reinstalled XP O.K., but HD drives and device drives configuration is screwed up in boot screen, which displays as follows:
1. diskette A 1.44
2. " B none (should be the LS-120)
3. Primary Disk C maxtor lba,ata133 61,496 GB (jumper set as master)
4. " slave: none (should be the Maxtor 10 GB here, but is not picked up ANYWHERE ! jumper: [slave])
5. Secondary master: DVD,ATA 66
6. " slave: LS -120, dma1

When the A drive is clicked, the B drive responds, which hangs up, desk icons disappears etc.If I click on B drive, A responds. Then, bootup screen says: floppies
fail 40.

I think I must have omitted something when I got to the partioning step during the XP install for the second HD. Did I NOT format it?
If not, is there anyway I can (re)format the 10GB HD, or reconfigure the devices CORRECTLY without re-reinstalling XP??

The DVD is connected to end of ide cable with LS-120 on middle connector, and other end to secondary ide MOBO connector.

The 60 GB Maxtor HD is connected to end of ide cable with the 10GB Maxtor HD to middle connector, and other end to Primary MOBO connector.

The standard floppy A is connected to Floppy1 MOBO connector. I'd appreciate any suggestions,


Lou Rossi

OS:winXP SP3,
1GB Ram
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Hi Lou.

Try resetting BIOS Setup to default.

Power down and remove the power cord.
Open computer case and remove the CMOS battery (size of quarter) from system board.
Press and hold the power button for 10 to 15 seconds (drains all capacitors).
Put CMOS battery back in (make sure polarity is correct, same as when you took it out).
Plug the power cord in and power up.

You should get an error message about CMOS checksum error, press F1 to continue, F2 to enter Setup (or something like that). Press whichever one takes to Setup.

Press the Fn key or selct the option to Load Defaults.
Set date and time
Set Boot priority, CD/DVD, Floppy, Hard drive
Save settings and exit.

See how things look now.
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How are you hard drive jumpered? Are they set to Cable Select (CS) or is the end one set to Master and the m9iddle one set to Slave?

Do both hard drives show up in BIOS Setup? If yes, do they both show up in Disk Management (Start then Run, type diskmgmt.msc and press Enter).

If yes, assign a drive letter to the slave (10GB) drive then format it.
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Th pri. mstr. is jumped as mstr. with end of cable(blk) to HD w/other end(Blue) to MOBO and middle to
The 10gb drive which is jumped as slave. The DVD is is Mstrd w/ the ls-120 hooked to middle and end to sec.ide on mobo.
In bios, floppy is A
ls-120 is NONE(!)
pri. mstr. is listed(C:)
pri. Slave is NONE(!)
sec. Mstr. is DVD
sec. slave is LS-120(zip) Only Pri. Mstr.(C:),and dvd is in DiskMgmt. But device mgr. lists Both diskette drives, C:drive, and
the DVD.
When A drive is clicked, B responds. When B is clkd,A responds.
But here's the clincher--- I pulled the 10gb drive(invisible one), and hooked an old 2gb WD Caviar HD in it's place.When
I booted up, it showed up on the boot-up screen as pri. slave, DVD as sec.mstr, the ls-120as sec.slave.
So I took out the 2gb HD, put the 10gb HD back; but bootup hung at second screen("verifying dmi pool..."). Couldn't get past it,so I
checked bios and the primary hd's name was corrupted.Tried this & that, turn off, turn on etc.Finally, it booted and logged on. It
was listed under My Computer, clkd it and pop-up said it wasn't formatted!(of course it was,'cause I had been working in it ,
cleaning it up). But, at this point,what the [bleep]. I let it format and checked disk mngmt. and there it was! I gave it and me a
rest. I'm going to check it tomorrow to see if it's still there.
What do you make of all this?

Edited by klokm, 17 July 2011 - 08:06 PM.

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Sounds like the 10GB drive is bad. It's really small anyway so I'd leave it out.

Any chance the cable connecting the floppy and ZIP is reversed on the MOBO or on either of those drives?
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