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Is It Worth It?

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I ran across several (36) Dell Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit reinstallation DVD packets with manuals in boxes that some Dell laptops were shipped in. I asked the IT guy who ordered the laptops if the DVDs were being thrown away, could I have them to sell. He had no use for them and said yes. Now my question is, are they worth selling? What do they usually sell for? I want to know if it is worth my time and effort? Thank you for any help and comments.
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If they have been installed on the systems by IT or by Dell they are worth nothing since they would be specific for the Dells they were shipped with.
Secondly I think you are going to find that the reg keys have been used on the systems they were shipped with and therefor the keys are worthless also.
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No these DVDs are all factory sealed and not used. He only used one of them and cloned the hard drive to the rest of the laptops... so essentially 36 unused, sealed reinstallation DVDs.
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As I said before the discs are useless to anyone but someone with that exact Dell make and model laptop since they were sold for those systems and only to be used on Dell systems.
The fact that there are so many indicates they are OEM versions that were meant to be used on each system.
To make it simple they are worthless to everyone but your IT dept for the systems they were sold for.
The disks will not work on any other system but the Dell systems they were bought for. As you said Dell Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit reinstallation DVD packets with manuals in boxes that some Dell laptops were shipped in.
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UPDATE: I just installed Windows 7 using one of those reinstallation DVDs on an unrelated Dell desktop and it works perfectly. I wanted to try out your theory before I threw these DVDs away. All I did was insert the DVD and it installed and updated itself. So apparently they can be installed on any desktop or laptop.
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It is also a illegal install since they were sold with the Dells as a OEM installation.
You cannot legally install them on anything else but the systems they specifically were sold with.
If they actually say what you stated on the disc and\or packaging they are for the Dells and nothing else.
Just because they installed on a different Dell system does not nullify the fact what Microsoft's EULA states for the OEM licenses. They are to be used on one system and only the system they were originally intended for. They are non transferable without paying for a new license and once installed and activated they are MARRIED to the original hardware in that system.
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rshaffer... OK. See that is why I come to this forum and ask questions. I didn't know any of that except that when you install an OS it is "married" to that system. I will definitely consider all your information about what I do with these.
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No problem and I hope I didn't offend you or my post didn't sound like I was putting you down.
Most end users do not know the difference between a OEM and a Retail installation of a OS and I try my best to explain without sounding like I'm putting them down or talking down to them.
Please let me know how everything goes and if you need further assistance with this topic just let me know.
Thank you for being so cooperative and understanding through the steps. :)
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