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Web site build - Automated operation

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  • PipPip
  • 46 posts
Hi all,
I would like some advice on setting up a website, Its basically for bike owners to register there bike with web site, I would like it to be fully automated with my bank where they pay a yearly subscription and if they decide to un-sub subscribe then the difference will be taken out of my account and refunded automatically, I want the site to also keep an eye on owners who are near to the end of their yearly subscription so when it does come to it say a month or 2 weeks an automated reminder will be sent to them.
Upon registering I would like people to enter details of their bike like bike number/model/colour and for it to have drop down menus to select what type of bike it is ie. Push bike or 3-wheeler etc. upon choosing from the drop down menu it will alphabetically or numerically sort the details to its own specific area of the site for people to view i.e. 3-wheeler section.

Can anyone recommend a good and easy program to use to build the site? (I am a novice)

Thanks, Richard.
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  • Member
  • PipPip
  • 91 posts
Hmm...You can use CMS to build your website. But if you don't have knowledge in PHP, JavaScript, you may face troubles to satisfy all your needs. Please try UCOZ or WEBNODE to create your website. But I can't give surity that it will fulfill all your needs.
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