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create trigger - update time on internet connection

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Christopher A Giehler

Christopher A Giehler

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I have been trying to figure out a solution to this for months...

Tried to solder a new mobo battery on and was unsuccessful a long time go and lost the wire into the mobo(should of glued it!!). The main battery dies after about 10 minutes. This laptop i guess would be a beater laptop, if referring to a car (not interested in putting any $ into it).

So, when power goes off my time goes to 2007. I update it manually every time i go online. Is there any way to make a small script or command to make it update when it connects to the net. As i mentioned, i have been searching on and off for a solution for over a year actually. Cannot find a way to do it in task scheduler or find any kind of script to do this. I am no writer by any means but am usually good to figure things out...

Thanks you for reading this. Sorry if it is not in the correct forum.

Laptop is running win 7 32bit
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    Grumpy Ol' MSgt (Ret.)

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You might check out, Dimension4 (D4). I used it for years on all my XP systems.
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