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Can't format this type of disk.

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  • PipPip
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I have a DVDRW drive on my PC using WIN7 and Office 2007
I have a CDRW disk on which I had text that I had deleted and erased the disk. Now, when I try to use it I get the message, “Windows can’t format this type of disk. Insert a different disk and try again. If I try to save material to it, I get the same message. Everything else plays without a problem in this drive using the same type disks.
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    motto - Just get-er-done

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All it takes is a small scratch on the disk to cause this. I do wonder why you go thru the trouble when plain CD disks cost about 20 cents each. I throw them away after copying files off old computers for people and transferring the files to a new computer, after first asking the customer if they want the CD's for backup.

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