One of the changes requires the use of Control+Run and typing "control passwords2" and then unchecking must use password box.
The second requires clicking Control Panel and going into User Accounts (PDF attached) to and
Start and then open up the Control Panel
click the User Accounts and Family Safety option
In the Make Changes to Your User Account window, click on Remove Your Password
Here, Windows 7 asks you to confirm your choice to remove your password by typing in your current password. This step is critical because it prevents just anyone from hijacking your account by removing or resetting the password. After you have typed in your current password, click the Remove Password button.
Windows 7 then takes you back to the Make Changes to Your User Account window. Unfortunately, Windows does nothing to confirm that you have indeed removed your password other than the newoption on this window titled Create a Password for Your Account.
You can verify that Windows 7 has removed your password by logging out of your account and clicking on your account icon again. Notice that this time Windows 7 did not ask you for a password but instead simply logged you in
Which one if any is the best way to do it and is it possible I will encounter any problems by doing this? Any
help is appreciated.