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Weird boot problem

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Hi all, I need your help ^^

Ok so there is my computer, running (only 1 OS) win7 x64 and having 2 hard drives (sata) (the comp is new and therefore the drives also)

a few days ago, i was playing fallout new vegas when the system crashed
i rebooted, only to face a DOS message "invalid partition table"

using another computer, i saw that the system's partition was listed as RAW in windows (even tho every partition tools such as partition magic or paragon tools saw it as NTSC and having no problem at all...)
since i didn't want to re-install all my system, i formatted (using windows) the partition with the other comp's windows tool and then restored it's original contents from a back up

of course, after doing so, the boot was still to repair, and i used the win7 install disk to do it
it worked (meaning "found a problem and solved it")

i'm currently at that point and yet i'm still facing a problem which is quite unexpected:
- every partition tool says everything is ok
- windows disk management sees all as ok
- win7's disk repair tool sees everything as ok
- boot tools (such as dualbootpro) sees everything as ok

yet, the system just doesn't boot... well, sort of: it actually does boot, but only if i insert a cd/dvd
- when say win7's disc is in the drive, the system boots absolutely normally: asking to "press a key to boot from dvd", and if i don't, then the system starts windows perfectly
- without any disc in the drive, the boot hang just before loading windows, just staying on a black screen with the cursor blinking

i'm guessing the system is quite close to repaired, but there's still somehow a glitch somewhere

can anyone help?
thanks :)

Edited by mezigues, 07 October 2011 - 02:17 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hi mezigues
Have you checked the boot sequence in the BIOS and if so is the partition with the OS on it set as the first boot device or second if the DVD/CD drive is first.
Try SFC http://www.sevenforu...le-checker.html you will need the OS disk in the drive for this.
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thanks for you answer, phillpower2

- boot sequence is ok (1 dvd drive, 2 hard drive)
- unfortunately, my motherboard (asus) does not allow to specify a prtition (or even a disk for that matter) as boot device

I tried SFC, using win7's disk, it did find a few files to replace but it had no impact on my boot problem (actually, I couldn't even find any actual change anywhere)

when all of this failed, i tried writing the master boot sequence on C: (which contains my OS), no change
i then tried the option to write it "on all disks" (using dualbootpro): no change either

what's really sad is that the system, once started is really ok... and the problem itself shows that it really must be just a minor line somewhere causing it: it would be kind of sad to have to format just for this... :)
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    Mechanised Mod

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Hi mezigues
Try SFC http://www.sevenforu...le-checker.html
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i did ^^
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    Mechanised Mod

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What about CHKDSK "how to options" http://www.w7forums....-disk-t448.html
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i couldn't try: turns out the problem solved itself (unfortunate, since then i still don't have any idea on how to fix it)

at some point, the system finally booted and i found myself on a new dos page saying that windows couldn't start the last and asking me if i wanted this to be fixed
i tried: it solved the problem

problem is for those who might have the same issue, or even me if it happens again: i have no idea why this choice was finally offered...

so... thanks for your help, anyway :)
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    Mechanised Mod

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Thanks for the feedback mezigues :)
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What about CHKDSK "how to options" http://www.w7forums....-disk-t448.html


Thought I would post some additional information for you.

Hope you do not mind.

Re Fallout New Vegas.
I would urge caution, before playing the game again. When the system crashed, the boot record for Windows which on Xp was known as the boot.ini etc but on Vista and 7 was renamed the Boot Configuration Data
was corrupted, so that data could not be found on the Hard drive. That is why when you had reinstalled it booted OK from the DVD as it was using the boot files from there to load Windows.

You could have done this, with the DVD and the command prompt which is the replacement on Vista and 7 for the recovery console in XP
Then at the command prompt

Repairing the Master Boot Record
If you want to restore the master boot record, you can simply type in the following command:

bootrec /fixmbr

You can also write a new boot sector onto the system partition with this command (which is often more useful):

bootrec /fixboot

This would have been the screen you were presented with

Posted Image

What happened more than likely is that the system then having booted from the CD realised that Windows could not load normally

at some point, the system finally booted and i found myself on a new dos page saying that windows couldn't start the last and asking me if i wanted this to be fixed
i tried: it solved the problem

and offered you the option of the system restore, startup repair, command prompt etc.


That game, has caused quite a few problems on Windows 7.
If you do not find the cause and continue to play the game, you MAY next time, not recover from the crash.

This is in respect of a Nvidia GeForce graphics but the principle applies to more or less all graphics

Version 1 of the game is shown at Microsoft as compatible with 64 bit Windows 7 but you should read the forum posts on the game and Windows 7.

Here are a number of threads and posts regarding the game and the crashes.

Until you think you have establsihed the cause of the error I would play the game in XP mode.

As a way of finding the cause prior to the reinstall had you been able to start from the DVD and use the option above you could then have used EVENT log.
1. Open the Start Menu, and type eventvwr.msc in the search box and press enter.

2. If prompted by UAC, then click on Yes (Windows 7) or Continue (Vista).

In the left pane of Event Viewer, double click on Windows Logs to expand it, then right click on Application and click on Find)Posted Image

Concerning yourself with the Error and Warning (Yellow) messages in System and Application.

If you are presented with circumstances where you need to examine the logs, although you can use the facilities in Windows 7 to find exactly whatt you want in the logs, an easier way is to run this.

Download the Event Viewer Tool by Vino Rosso VEW and save it to your usual location.
Then when you need to
  • Double-click VEW.exe
  • Under 'Select log to query', select (as appropriate):
    • Application
    • System
  • Under 'Select type to list', select (as appropriate):
    • Error
    • OR Warning or Both
Then use the 'Date of events' or 'Number of events' as follows:

  • Click the radio button for 'Number of events'
    Type 6 in the 1 to 20 box (or any number from 1 to 20)
    Then click the Run button.
    Notepad will open with the output log.
  • Click the radio button for 'Date of events'
    In the From: boxes type today's date (presuming the crash happened today) 18.10.2011
    In the To: boxes type today's date (presuming the crash happened today) 18.10.2011 Or such rnage of sates as appropriate.
    Then click the Run button.
    Notepad will open with the output log.
Of course this can only be run if the system is loaded, but it would be advisable to have a look next time you play the game.

Good Luck

Edited by Macboatmaster, 17 October 2011 - 08:34 PM.

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Not at all Macboatmaster thank you for your input :)
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very useful information: this goes right into my personal help files! :)

hmmmm, i seem to be trully addicted to the game and since it seems to be responsible for such issues, i guess i will have to run it in XP mode (thanks here for the useful link you provided)
most of all, i just can't stand when i don't get to know WHY something crashed and HOW to prevent or repair it from happening again, so thanks a lot for this very informative answer, which is much appreciated! :yes:

Edited by mezigues, 18 October 2011 - 12:38 PM.

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You are welcome.
Thanks for posting the reply.
Good luck with it.

If when you have the time there is some more information regarding event viewer on this article I am preparing.
Much of it is basic, addressed to the more inexperienced user, but you may find something to help - especially with event viewer
That part is on the heading event viewer about three quarters of the way down the article
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