I don't know if this is relevant, but I thought I'd share it with you just in case.
As I said before, MEMTEST had indicated a couple of bad memory addresses so I believed I had a bad RAM stick. So, I had ordered another.
Now because I'm a computer moron I can't get the bootable version of MEMTEST to run for me. I went through about 5 or 6 CD's burning that memtest86+ iso, and yet EVERY TIME I would put it in either optical drive, it would be ignored and Windows would come up. I even went into BIOS and TOLD it to boot from CD drive, but no go. Now I don't think this is a problem with anything other than ME. I'm doing something wrong regarding making that disk.
So, the only MEMTEST I can run is the one that runs inside Windows. Obviously not as good because a) it can't test all memory since a good bit of it will be in use by Windows, and b) by having to boot all the way up into Windows it limits my options so that I can't test one stick at a time. I have to have multiples of 2 sticks in there.
So, my theory was I would approach it backwards. Instead of testing it one at a time, I would test all 6, and I get a couple of errors, then I would remove two at a time, and try different combinations of 4 sticks until I found one that showed NO ERRORS. Follow??? I figured that would show I had removed the bad stick(s).
Now here's where it gets interesting. The memory came yesterday, so today I started testing. I tested with all 6 sticks and got 2 errors and it was about 85% through and I stopped it. That's about what I get each time, so I'm thinking I've got a bad stick. So, I go in and remove my first 2 sticks to try my first combination of 4.
I turn it on, and this time I let it come up in 800X640 resolution with those code 43 errors. I figured it didn't matter anyway since I wouldn't be running any programs (other than memtest) AND I figured since the Nvidia drivers weren't loaded that would actually free up more memory for the MEMTEST inside Windows to test.
I go to start MEMTEST and I get nothing but errors. Every address is showing an error. Huh??? So now I'm worried about maybe I did something wrong and have now ruined my machine. I put all 6 sticks back in there, and again let it come up with the code 43 errors because I didn't care about the screen resolution to run MEMTEST.
And AGAIN every address is showing errors. It's just reporting error after error after error after error. OH NO, my machine is ruined. So I then think to myself, when I tested it before inside Windows it was after a normal boot up, with 1080p resolution and no code 43 errors. Gee, I wonder if that makes a difference.
So, I turn it back on, all 6 sticks still in there, and this time tell it to boot from hard drive so it comes up with no code 43 errors normally. And I go to run memtest, and now it's running fine again. No errors yet and it's 50% through as I'm typing this. If history is any indication it will find one or two bad addresses per 100% pass because that what it was finding before.
So, why the heck is MEMTEST showing billions of errors when I try to run it after it boots with the code 43 errors and it's working properly when it boots normally with no code 43 errors??? What the heck is going on??? Does THAT make sense???
Anyway, I thought I'd add that to the information just in case that helps diagnose what the heck is going on. This thing has got me pulling my hair out.
Oh, and NO I'm not running Norton AV software. In fact, I'm not running ANY AV software on that rig. As I said before, that is strictly my gaming rig and AV programs are notorious for messing with games. I don't keep that rig connected to the internet and only plug in a wireless adapter whenever I need to download a patch for a game or once a week or so just in case there are any Windows updates. (As I said at the beginning of this marathon thread, my memory keeps insisting THAT'S the event that occurred around the time this problem started. A windows update.)
Anyway, again, no need to respond since I still haven't isolated and corrected my RAM issue. Doing it this way will take quite some time because I've got to get lucky and remove the bad one and then double and triple check with various combinations just to be sure I do isolate the right stick. I'll post back when I do have the RAM issue resolved. Just thought I would add this as something else to put in the pot and stir around and think about.
Thanks again so, so, so much for your help and your patience. Once again I apologize for being so long winded, I just don't know how to be brief it seems. My bad.
Take care and I will be back when I've isolated and changed my bad RAM stick.
EDIT ADDED: YAY!!! I finally got it boot from CD and go directly into the MEMTEST86+. That's the good news. So I tested them two sticks at a time (it wouldn't let me test 1 stick at a time because my motherboard just let out continuous bleeps when I tried that) and the first two were fine. The second two were fine. And the third two were fine. HUH???
I put them all 6 back in and it's now gone 2 passes and they all look fine. ZERO ERRORS. What the heck??? So memtest inside Windows consistantly gives me 1, 2, or 3 errors every pass when I run that memtest, but the one that's bootable (memtest86+) shows none??? I'm going to let it go overnight and see what happens.
This is getting weirder and weirder...
Edited by OldFatGuy, 09 November 2011 - 12:25 AM.