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BSOD when running antivirus +slow pc

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alright so im new on here but i need some good help. about a week ago my laptop started running really slow upon start up and then just the entire time it is on. it would take a few minutes to open up any program (my documents, firefox, or even the start menu itself). i figured id run an antivirus scan, i use avast since its what ive always used and never had problems with. well about 20 minutes into the scan it blue screened and restarted the computer. i was a bit confused so i tried again and obtained the same result. i know my family has had problems with their computer having viruses so i put on malwarebytes since it worked for them, ran it in safe mode the first time and then in normal mode. both runs ended in the bsod. getting frustrated with it i looked online for a solution to my specific problem and ive came across a number of them, i updated all of my drivers, i ran ccleaner, i cant run defrag because it keeps telling me i have to remove special settings before i can and it never lets me remove them. i came across a forum post where a user had roughly the same problem as me and i tried the solutions listed to him ( http://answers.yahoo...23092135AAGLFnb )
the first solution didnt work, the scan didnt even run. then i used a registry cleaner and it blue screened in the middle of it, i did the disk clean up. i dont have a system restore date to restore to or i would. i have not checked the ram for defects and i have tried the virus scan several times. so any advice that you could pass along to help would be phenominal.

currently running an acer aspire 5742. windows 7 home edition. intel core i3 (2.4ghz)
if any more information is needed feel free to ask. id just rather not spend money on a new laptop right now
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You started the same exact topic in the malware forum. Please continue with that by following the below instructions as you have not included any of the required logs.
I suggest you read the 'Start Here' topic found HERE. With these self-help tools you have a high chance of fixing the problems on your own. If you are still having problems after following Step 3 of the guide, continue with Step 4 and 5 and post in the Malware Forum. If you are unable to run any programs, Please create a topic stating what you have tried so far and that you are unable to run any programs. Also, Please do NOT post the logs in this thread.

If you are still having issues after the malware expert gives you a clean bill of health, Please return to THIS thread and we will pursue other options to help you solve your current problem(s).
Add a link to this topic so that malware tech can see what steps have been taken here
I am closing this topic for now till you have completed the malware topic.
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