Basically, I've noticed odd activity on the network. I was advised this is possibly normal on an unsecured network, and noticed that the activity stopped for a few days. But now it's back, and it still feels as if it's directly related to whether I'm connected. I just connected tonight, and the full amount of bandwidth was available. I browsed a few pages, nothing that intense on bandwidth, then checked about thirty minutes later. It had gone down 50 entire megabytes. Now it's dropping at least one MB per minute, and doesn't seem keen on leveling out. I'm freaking out here, because like I said I'm afraid it's directly related to when my system connects.
Yes, I know I'm paranoid, but please indulge me here. I won't be comfortable until I can determine with relative certainty it's not on my end. Right now, the usage has gone from 250 free MB to 130 free MB in under an hour. Well over 100 MB gone, and still counting. So if this isn't just odd behaviour caused by my neighbor's insistence of keeping the connection open and someone abusing the privilege of using it, then there's something majorly wrong with my system. Hence I'd like to know.
Is there anything I can run to determine what processes are active on my system, where they originate, and if they're allowed access to the internet? Additionally, how would I go about figuring out if a process is malignant?
Oh, and my system runs on Vista Home Premium (32 bit), if that makes a difference.
ETA: I disconnected for ten minutes just now, and found out it had dropped another 20 MB during that time yet has now settled down at 101 free MB. So I'd love to know if it's possible to have some kind of nasty on my system that would continue running within the network after wireless connection is severed. (Is that even possible?)
And my apologies, but I recall there being an "Am I infected?" forum at one point but couldn't find it tonight. Please move this if I just overlooked the forum and it's better suited for there.
Edited by Golden Butterflies, 20 November 2011 - 10:14 PM.