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Booting off a SSD?

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I have a W7 system with a 540GB drive; about 55gb of files. No W7 disks; just system restore disks.
I bought a 64gb SSD; with the intent of moving the operating system to the SSD and leaving the rest on the harddrive.

The disk works fine, but my intent seems impossible; apparently it is necessary to have actual W7 disks to do this.
I tried Ghost, but it won't copy a 540gb drive to a 64gb disk, eventhough there are only 55gb of files.
I tried my system restore disks, but it tells me my disk is too small.

I spent a hour googling, but found nothing useful.

Can I get my system on the SSD without buying W7 again?


Got it, I had to defrag like mad using several product, but got the 540 down to 57.

Edited by Tollerowner, 03 December 2011 - 11:06 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hi Tollerowner
See if this helps http://www.microsoft...dows_7_opk.aspx
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Sorry, but I didn't understand the relevance of the previous answer?

Presumably you have a 'licence number' for W7 on your laptop?

If so, you need to beg, borrow or steal a W7 original instal disk.

The instal process is common - just that you need to use the 'old' licence number when asked for one (not the one you borrowed!).

In essence, you are simply re-installing your own W7 back - albeit on a 'new' hard drive.

There's the rub though - Ms has got very picky about 'new devices' being substituted on existing operating systems, and (using a very blunt club to resolve a pinprick of a problem), 'may' make it 'less than easy' to re-validate, or whatever the current vernacular is, your operating system:

Ergo - you are trying to use a licence number which is ALREADY in use (on you old, failed hard drive).

In their simplistic market-driven arrogance, the great Ms sees this as a threat - you may be trying to use an op sys TWICE (heaven forfend), when you've only paid for ONE licence fee.

Be steadfast.

You are not the guilty party.

Follow the routes presented to technical support, find a similar issue (trust me, there WILL be one), and follow it to the point where you, too, have the opportunity at the great Ms Court in the Sky to present your case.

With luck, and a following wind, your explanation may be accepted, and you may be granted the inestimable priviledge of re-intalling a valid, acredited op sys.

Good luck.

As to drive compatibility.... As long as it's SATA II or better, and 2.5 " here should be no problem.


The Rafer
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1. Welcome to Geeks to Go

2. May I point out that you have posted on a topic the last post on which, before yours was dated 3 Dec 2011 - eg over 12 months ago

3. Additionally to that if you look at the opening post from Tollerowner you will see that the problem was solved as posted on his edit at 0506hrs 4 Dec 2011

4. Finally it was completely unconnected with a FAILED DRIVE

Ergo - you are trying to use a licence number which is ALREADY in use (on you old, failed hard drive).

it was a matter of putting the O/S only on an SSD drive and he was never intending to use the same licence TWICE. and although I am sure you mean it light heartedly STEAL is not an appropriate word.

That all said

Welcome again and I hope you enjoy Geeks to Go

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