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Vista sleep mode has stopped working correctly.

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  • PipPip
  • 98 posts
Hello all.

I have an Acer desktop, with Windows Vista Home 32bit basic installed. I have often used the sleep mode instead of shutting down and it has always worked.

In the last couple of days a bug has occurred. When I try to wake up from sleep, the computer powers on but the monitor says 'no signal'. This is through HDMI.

I have to power down via the power button and restart.

However, this has stopped working as well. What happens when I press the power button to turn the PC on again, is the PC doesn't POST for around 30 seconds. There is click, the hard dive light flashes and the DVD drive light flashes all in the space of a second and this continues for around 30 seconds then I hear the bleep and it appears to carry on booting up. All with no picture on screen.

I have now removed the HDMI cable and connected via DVI. After turning the PC off and on again, it seems to work fine again. I can shut down and power up normally. I haven't tried sleep mode in DVI but don't want to in case I get the same problem with that.

Clearly there is something askew here and I would like to investigate and try to fix because even though it's working via DVI these problems tend to get worse not better.

My graphics card is an NVIDIA GeForce 210. My monitor is an ASUS VH242H.

I appreciate any help. Thanks for reading. :thumbsup:
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