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Can I "Repair" Windows Vista with no WIndows Disks?

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Don't know if this is in the wrong directory or not, of so, sorry.

But some malware has resulted in me not being able to use my Windows Security Center (Windows Defender, Windows Firewall, etc).

I think I've gotten rid of it and now just want to turn my WIndows Security Center stuff back on. But I don't have any Windows diskettes. This is an HP laptop that only came with "Recovery Disks" which seem to mean everything I've ever put on there will be lost. Can I somehow simply repair the Windows Security Center???

NOTE: If you think this is not a Vista problem and is instead still a malware problem (in other words you think I'm wrong about getting rid of the malware completely) then please DELETE this thread and DO NOT move this to the malware removal forum. I am NOT interested in taking up anyone's time on malware removal as I choose to surf without running any anti-virus protections. I simply will not then take up their time to help me fix a problem that I probably would've avoided if I had run an anti-virus program.

But if there is a way to repair Windows Vista without disks, could someone please help me do that???


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    Mechanised Mod

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Hi again Joe
Try the Vista System File Checker tool (SFC) see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929833 for "how to"
I am aware of your approach to AV software from previous assistance given and I did advise you to run an AV such as Avast or MSE free but you declined, well the inevitable has happened so I suggest you do what you said you would do and cancel your internet subscription, I would do this is before your computer becomes inoperable.
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Well, thank you for your concern.

I've gotten rid of the virus, and it wasn't the first one. The only leftover problem was the one mentioned above. Scans from over half a dozen different malware apps now come up clean, it's just a matter of repairing the damage that was done.

As to cancelling my internet, yes, that's exactly what I will do when it becomes so unsafe that one can't even surf safe sites anymore. Until then, I'll keep using the web. And if an occasional virus pops up, I'll try to get rid of it like I've gotten rid of the others. And if one comes along that I can't handle, then, as stated above, that's when I'll cancel my internet, haul it off to Best Buy, pay a geek to fix it one last time, and run forever more sans internet.

Hope you enjoyed your little laugh. Since you're concerned, I'll be sure and make my lost post here at Geekstogo.com and let you know when it's finally got the best of me and I'm cancelling my internet. Wouldn't want to deprive you of that laugh too.

Have a great holiday.
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    Mechanised Mod

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Did you run SFC and did you manage to get your security center sorted?
If not the link may help you http://windows.micro...Security-Center
For the record I don`t believe in laughing at other peoples misfortune, thats why I volunteer here to help people get through their problems.
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Faizan Ern Prince

Faizan Ern Prince


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Edited by Faizan Ern Prince, 27 December 2011 - 03:57 PM.
Removed non approved link and instructions

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Faizan the link you provided Neosmart for that software is not allowed here at GTG. This site has been unapproved by Microsoft as a legal recovery disk and GTG does not authorize the use or suggestion to using it. If you have any question please pm me or any other Moderator or Admin and we will be happy to discuss it with you in private.
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I feel bound to support my colleague phillpower2.

There is NOT one Staff Member on GeekstoGo, who would EVER make a point to have a laugh, at someone.

Nevertheless, it has to be said, that if you choose to run without any anti-virus protection, albeit that you visit only what you consider trusted sites, then immediately you enable that internet connection, you are at RISK, no matter what site you visit, or indeed if you do not visit any site.

On this thread which I helped you with.

I posted

and just in case you do still have Norton, but with any AV really read the first and second post on this link

and you replied

Oh, and NO I'm not running Norton AV software. In fact, I'm not running ANY AV software on that rig. As I said before, that is strictly my gaming rig and AV programs are notorious for messing with games. I don't keep that rig connected to the internet and only plug in a wireless adapter whenever I need to download a patch for a game or once a week or so just in case there are any Windows updates. (As I said at the beginning of this marathon thread, my memory keeps insisting THAT'S the event that occurred around the time this problem started. A windows update.)

I also advised you then, that you were at severe risk

So in summary your comment here

Hope you enjoyed your little laugh. Since you're concerned, I'll be sure and make my lost post here at Geekstogo.com and let you know when it's finally got the best of me and I'm cancelling my internet. Wouldn't want to deprive you of that laugh too.

is in my opinion, unfair and not representative of what was said.

This link here, although it appears to relate to Windows7 explains the dangers you face without sufficient protection.

In spite of all the above I wish you the best of luck with the problem.

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If I read the initial reply wrong, then I apologize.

But reading it again still reads like it's some sort of schadenfreude.

Look, I've been running sans anti-virus since 2007. This wasn't the first virus I've gotten, and it won't be the last. My machine is 100% functional again, no problems.

I choose not to run an anti-virus program because they almost ALWAYS mess up games. Games will freeze up, stop working, and often times run so slow as not to be playable at all. I would remove the anti-virus software and the games work fine again. There's just no way that result occurs if it wasn't the anti-virus programs doing it.

Since I choose not to run anti-virus software, I will not post here for support in getting rid of one. This topic was merely a standard topic concerning WIndows Vista, not the virus. I realize you folks don't approve of me not running an anti-virus program.

That's fine, there are things I don't approve as well. And one thing I don't approve of is giving business to an illegitimate industry. If viruses became non-existant tomorrow, do you know how many businesses would lose lots of money??? With that kind of incentive, it's only a question of when, not if, one or more of those companies is complicit in causing viruses to ensure they don't lose that business.

That, and the fact they almost always make games act funky is enough for me to decide not to run them. You will disagree, and that's fine. But I stand by assertion that it's only a matter when, and not if, the same companies that make money off of anti-virus software will or have become complicit in the viruses themselves. One only need look at history to understand that man will do almost anything to make a buck. So I'm not going to support that industry. And you can feel free to disagree.

But I'm not going to come on here and go AHA, I've run another year without an anti-virus program and that proves my point. Yet it's ok for you guys to do that very thing by saying "I did advise you to run an AV such as Avast or MSE free but you declined, well the inevitable has happened so I suggest you do what you said you would do and cancel your internet subscription,"???

I'll leave geekstogo now for good but I wonder how many other folks reading that same sentence, word for word, also thought it was some form of schadenfreude. I'd bet I'm not the only one.

Best of luck to all of you, and I'm sorry for causing a controversy here. But, like I said, it STILL reads like an AHA GOTCHA comment to me.

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Just in case anyone else browsing the forums does read your LAST post number 8

and in particular this paragraph

I'll leave geekstogo now for good but I wonder how many other folks reading that same sentence, word for word, also thought it was some form of schadenfreude. I'd bet I'm not the only one.

then I would wish to point out that, the situation is rather different than the conclusion you seem to have come to.

ON a previous thread you posted

On the subject of anti-virus programs, if the decision is between running an anti-virus program and cancelling my internet, I will cancel my internet. Just so we're clear on that. I am not going to run them because they hijack your machine, especially resources that games seem to conflict with. I've had so many games have so many problems with anti-virus software that I stopped running them completely in 2007. That's right, I havne't run an anti-virus program since 2007. And, as stated above, if this place known as the internets becomes so dangerous one simply can NOT be here without one, then I will happily call Comcast on the phone and cancel my internet service. Saves me a few bucks each month if that happens.

You then continued to say

However, the virus I mentioned my laptop got about week ago apparently wasn't vanished because it's back. Is that possible or is it more likely I just happened to get the same one again? I thought Anti-Malware Bytes had vanquished the thing.

Oh well, my fault I suppose for not running an anti-virus software
. Somehow, none of my Windows security apps run (Windows defender, etc.).

[bleep] I'd like JUST ONCE to spend five minutes in a room with the [bleep] that do this stuff. Just 5 minutes.

Anyway, ok, we're done.

I don't know how to thank you other than just saying THANK YOU. Doesn't seem enough IMO. But I really, really, really appreciate all you've done for me.

May you and yours have a joyous and safe holiday season followed by a prosperous and safe New Year.

Your comment regarding LEAVING GeesktoGo is a decision entirely for you

It is NOT one that has ever been suggested by anyone who has helped you.
My colleague phillpower2 on the closing post of a previous thread said:

Right you are then Joe, it has been a pleasure working with you, enjoy the festivities and good health and wealth to you and your family for the future :thumbsup:

he then continued to recommend that you seek advice in our Malware forum.

and I on the thread that I helped you with, posted this

However the main point is

In reply to your question about a donation

"Do you have a donation account I could contribute too?? I really feel bad about this but I am soooo grateful for your help in trying."

NO to the first and secondly it has been my pleasure to try and help.
As I said I am sure we will sort it.

Good luck.

Therefore in summary, your comment on this ONE thread regarding you leaving GeekstoGo is not really representative of all that has occurred in your other threads, or indeed how the comment regarding the cancellation of your internet subscription came to made in the first place.

If you remain, in any way unhappy with anything that has been posted, on this thread, it is of course always open to you, to request a review by a Senior Staff Member - by clicking on the Report button on any post on the thread and requesting a review of the content you are unhappy with.

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