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Bsod involving tcpip.sys and ntoskrnl.exe

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This will be my first message, so if i'm starting this topic in wrong place i'm sorry.

My problem is, as title says, i've started to get bsods related to tcpip.sys and ntoskrnl.exe. I don't have any real knowledge on reading dump files but when i opened the dmp files with bluescreen view, related files were these.

I was going to attach dump files but when i rebooted, files were gone from windows/minidump. If they're kept in a different directory, i'll upload them as soon as anyone tell me where they are.

I know it's hard to say anything without those dump files but, anything would be appreciated.


I added the dump files. But forum did not permit me to attach the files, so i uploaded them here;


Edited by creiGn, 01 January 2012 - 04:01 PM.

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