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Perpetual Motion i know how to achieve it

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  • PipPip
  • 31 posts
Well its quite a scary thing, in fact i'm sure people have been killed for less. How can i protect this, so i can get help? I know how to achieve it, and anyone with a scientific brain with my help could make this a reality. But i need a safety net so this cant be stolen i here Perpetual motion machines are not Patentable. Is this True? If so how can i protect something so revolutionary this? The idea could be worth more than my life i don't want it to come to that haha.
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  • PipPip
  • 31 posts
The only advantage i have is, my idea would be dismissed by loads of people. I don't have any scientific qualifications and im seen as quite daft amungst my friends and family.
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Post a reply when it stops. ;)
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