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What is a socket error?

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  • PipPipPip
  • 128 posts
Hi, I have a question. I hope you can help.

I got the error below (please see the attachment). Could you tell me what it means. How to correct it would be great too. :)

I just built this system with an asus motherboard. I'm wondering if I did something wrong during the build.


Attached Thumbnails

  • socket error.jpg

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    motto - Just get-er-done

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  • 4,345 posts
This may be a trojan on your system.

From the computing.net forum

Go to start>>run>>msconfig
Go to the startup tab

Look through the list.
Do you see: shellapi.exe?

If you do, you have a trojan that is causing your error. It's pretty easy to clean off, but take a look first.

If you have shellapi.exe in the list:

Go to start>>run>>regedit
Browse to:
Look down the list on the left.
You will see Run and RunServices
Open the Run folder by clicking on it once.
Look on the right.
Find shellapi.exe
Hightlight and delete it.

Now do the same for the RunServices key.
Delete shellapi.exe from it.

Close the registry editor.

Go to start>>shut down>>restart in MSDOS mode.
At the c:\windows prompt type:

cd system
del shellapi.exe

Completely shut down your computer to clear out memory.

Wait 30 seconds and boot back up.

Test. The APIBind error should be gone.

If this is not a trojan then you are having a network problem. Some program is trying to start a webserver or a printserver when you already have one running.

Usually caused by a corrupt driver.



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  • PipPipPip
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Thanks for your reply. I couldn't find any shellapi in the startup list of msconfig.

I checked to see if there was a bios update, but I have the latest bios. Should I download and re-install the drivers for the LAN? I'm actually using a usb wireless adapter for internet connectivity.
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    motto - Just get-er-done

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Installing the same drivers does not hurt and may correct the problem. It also may be because of the USB wireless adapter. I quit using USB LAN adapters because they were so flaky. When i was using netgear WPN111 adapters most of my computers did not work with them. Then i bought some linksys adapters but still had the same problem with some computers. Now i just use wireless routers and have never had any problems with any that i have tried, including belkin, netgear, linksys, cisco and some off brands. Had a couple that were dead from the start, but if they worked they were good. I really think microsoft's USB drivers are the real problem as i now have some computers that no longer recognize USB SDHC cards anymore, so i have to go thru tricks to use them on those comp's( using my camera as a hard drive, and transferring files to a different comp to copy.

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