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(Another) BSOD on Win 7 Ult

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Thx jcgriff2,

I will look into the 2 links.

No-one has given me an answer to my question on the Win7 re-install.....that is, will I lose all my settings, icons etc etc?

I think you mentioned "do a backup 1st".....well, I prob don't need to as I make a Norton Ghost backup every 10 days religiously given the BSODs I've experienced.

I would add, the BSODs started happening after I installed Win7 and before I put Pinnacle Studio on Aug11. I don't recall having BSODs when I was running WinXP upto about 1 yr ago.

Don't know if that helps.

Thx & regards,


Edited by chandwpl, 09 February 2012 - 04:02 PM.

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"No-one has given me an answer to my question on the Win7 re-install.....that is, will I lose all my settings, icons etc etc?"

You will not lose any personall setting with a repair install you will only lose all windows updates and your internet explorer will revert back to the original version on the disk you repiar with. :)
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Hi Rockmilk,

Many thanks - will try that and monitor how it goes. I'm away now but will post when back.

Thx, chandwpl
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