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Modem problems/Xbox

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I have a Netgear modem/router with Charter for an internet service provider. At random times every day, my Xbox 360 loses connection to the modem. It is connected wirelessly as that is currently my only option. Every time before it disconnects, my wireless turtle beach headset cuts in and out. I know it's not the turtle beaches interfering because I had this problem before buying the headset. I think there may possibly be a setting I have wrong under the modem setting. Maybe in UPnP but I'm not sure. This also happens to my computer but not nearly as frequently (also wirelessly connected). When it loses connection it is restored automatically in about 1 minute or less however it can be very annoying if I'm in the middle of an online game. This has been going on ever since we switched from Frontier to Charter about 7 months ago and I've been trying to figure it out since then Thanks for the help!
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