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more than one anti -virus

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  • PipPip
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can more than one anti-virus be used on the same computer without problems. i have paid avast and still got a virus. lot of good it did to have a paid anti-virus. i also had apybot, spyware blaster, malware bytes, and ad-aware. none of those stopped the virus.
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Installation of two on demand scanners is counter productive as they can report false positives results.
FYI: no av free or paid will stop every infection as there are 100's of new ones created everyday.
Any malware tech can tell you that also. If there was then forums like this would not exist and the extensive training malware techs go through would not be needed. You have a good combination of protection programs and still you were infected.
The best you can do is keep Avast up to date which it will do 2 or more times a day on it's own if you have it set to auto update. If like in your case you do become infected our malware techs are here to help you rid yourself of a infection if you would like to use their expertise.
I myself have been using the free version of Avast for almost 3 years now with no infections. Please understand that infections can sneak in through files you may download as well as visiting a site be it new or one you have been to several times before. The reason of the infection are numerous but the main concern is getting your system back to healthy status as quickly and painlessly as possible.
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thanks for answering.
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I hope this helps and let me know if I can answer any other questions you may have. I can't help you with malware removal but I can direct you to the correct forum for that if you would like.
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