"Cabbage please" asks the rabbit.
"I dont sell cabbages" the butcher replies, " I only sell meat, you need the greengrocers up the road."
"Oh! Thanks " says the rabbit and hops out.
The next day the rabbit hops into the butchers shop,
"Cabbage please" asks the rabbit.
"You came in yesterday didnt you?" asks the butcher " I told you I only sell meat, you need the greengrocers, he sells vegetables remember?"
"Oh! Thanks" says the rabbit and hops out.
The next day the rabbit hops into the butchers shop,
"Cabbage please" asks the rabbit.
"You again!" exclaims the butcher, " Is there something wrong with you? Twice I've told you now. Meat is all I sell. Greengrocers up the road, now go on."
"Oh! Thanks!" says the rabbit and hops out.
The next day the rabbit hops into the butchers shop,
"Cabbage please" asks the rabbit.
"LOOK YOU" The angry butcher shouts, "If you come in this shop one more time asking for cabbage I'm going to nail your ruddy ears to this counter. Now Out!
"Oh!Sorry" the rabbit says and hops out.
The next day the rabbit hops into the butchers shop,
"Got any nails?" asks the rabbit.
The butcher stands before the rabbit in utter confusion and replies "No."
"Cabbage please" asks the rabbit.