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Windows Vista Svchost.exe Memory Leak exceeding 500k

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Alright, that's comforting, I asked mom to ship the CD and it should be here in a few days. Meanwhile I'll keep an eye on things, other than being a little slower than usual (and it's possible I'm just being extra-paranoid) it appears to be running alright. Hopefully whatever caused it is limited to a bugged response to netflix or tinychat (and hence a flash player glitch) or something.

Edit: Mom's having a bit of trouble locating the key so I'm gonna search online for Microsoft's support guys and ask if they can send a replacement disk, mom says she was able to get a 1-time free one from them but it came with a new product key. I cann see if they'll send out a disc w/o the product code but in the event they won't, how badly will it affect my computer to perform the repair with a 2nd key?

Edit 2: During a webroot scan I found a Java Exploit Exp/20120507-A. Got rid of it - could that have been creating some of the issues?

Edit 3: Started running a few experiments, I'm probably going to need to knock on wood after reporting this - tried Netflix without using tinychat and webcam or a webcam on other messenger service. Made it through two doctor who episodes (~2 hours) without any malfunctions, so it wasn't something conflicting with the streaming service and might be a wacky webcam driver issue... and as I recall the PCtuneup site mentioned I needed to update the driver on the built-in webcam.

Edited by Itachirumon, 13 April 2012 - 01:08 AM.

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