During the BSOD I freaked out a little and restarted it halfway through. I've followed the guideline in the other board on how to fix it, but there's no minidump file for me to see what the problem was. My laptop seems to be running fine despite the BSOD,but now the black bar has returned to the right of my screen. It's around 2-3cm and messes up my screen - I had to pull my taskbar to the top to see it; part of the bottom is still hidden. It's just completely black; when I try to print screen it doesn't appear on the image. Is that part of my monitor broken or something? Is there a way to fix this?
P.S., I did some google work, and I do game a little. I don't have a graphics card and sometimes my computer gets a bit hot but I've got a fan too... could I have still fried something?
I've also attached a Hijackthis file, in case that helps.
Thank you all in advanced for your help
Edited by Macboatmaster, 03 April 2012 - 03:07 PM.
HiJack log removed