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Win 7 Laptop Slow

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Speedracer 64

Speedracer 64


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I have a friend who has a laptop with Win 7 64 bit. They were complaining about it being really slow anymore. It was quick when they first bought it. So I thought virus. I ran Microsoft Windows Essentials, Maleware Bytes, and CCleaner. Only found 1 maleware file. Next I rebooted in safe mode to see if I could fins anything there. I let it do the auto correct. It came back and said that there was a problem but couldn't be fixed automatically. What do I do next?

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Speedracer 64

Speedracer 64


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Anybody have some suggestions?
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Hello Speedracer 64.... Welcome to
GeeksToGo, :thumbsup:
:ph34r: :yes:

I'm sorry to hear about your issue. We will try to help you resolve this as soon as possible.
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    make sure they will not cause any further issues.
  • If you are receiving assistance in any other forum site please let us know as there may be conflicting advice given.

Before we can help you need to provide the following so I can start you in the right direction.
Laptop or Desktop?
  • If a name brand system then what brand, make and model is the system?
  • If custom built then what brand, make and model is the motherboard
  • Total memory installed
  • Total hard drive capacity and free space
  • What steps have you taken so far to resolve the issue

Do you have access to the laptop to run some diagnostics and get a couple of logs we might need?
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Speedracer 64

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Its either a Acer or Asus laptop. Can't remember right off hand. I tried to get a hold of them to ask them. It has 3 gbs of memory in it. I have run Microsoft Security Essentials, Maleware Bytes, and CCleaner. Then auto correct in safe mode. Came back that it couldn't be corrected automatically. I can get it to run diagnostic test on it also.
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OK first with Ccleaner is your friend using the Registry cleaner of the program?

If I am understanding correctly you can get into windows right?
If so please do the following.

Download Autoruns from the link in my signature below:

1: Extract the Autoruns Zip file contents to a folder.
2: Double-click the "Autoruns.exe".
3: Click on the "Everything" tab
4: Remove any entries that mention "File Not Found" by right-clicking the entry and select Delete.
5: Go to File then to Export As or Save in some versions.
6: Save AutoRuns.txt file to known location like your Desktop.
7: Attach to your next reply.

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Speedracer 64

Speedracer 64


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Yeah I ran the ccleaner on the registry. There was quite a bit on there. I will check the other stuff in the next couple of days. I did have one other person tell me to check the ram. One stick might be out of the socket or bad.
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The problem with Registry cleaners is as followed:

A registry cleaner will not increase your system's speed or performance, and has the potential to break your registry to the point that your PC is no longer bootable.
We strongly advise that people stay away from any of the registry cleaners out there.
Go HERE to get more information about why registry cleaners aren't needed.

Thanks to Sari for the explanation
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Speedracer 64

Speedracer 64


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So is it still safe to use CCleaner as long as not on the registry?
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Yes and I have nothing against the program but only so called miracle working programs that will fix everything.
Messing with the registry to me is like driving blind in a snow storm. You might do well for awhile but eventually it will not be a good ending. :blink:
The problem with registry cleaners in most cases is that they really can't determine what is a good entry and what is a bad entry. When they can't figure it out they will usually delete the entry. The wrong entry can at the least cause problems with the system. Worst case scenario the system will no longer boot up and major work would need to be done to bring it back to life if it is even possible.
I have seen cases where it is so far damaged that the only way to correct it is to format and do a fresh install of the OS. To most of us geeks not a problem but to the average user it is a devastating reality.
I just want to make sure your friend understands the worst case scenario of using these types of miracle working programs. :thumbsup:
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I have seen cases where it is so far damaged that the only way to correct it is to format and do a fresh install of the OS. To most of us geeks not a problem but to the average user it is a devastating reality.

I had to quote this that is so true !! Lol as a geek sometimes I would rather just do a clean install if I don't have important files on my pc.
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type msconfig in the search box...click on it above...startup tab...uncheck everything except your AV and synaptic or alps (its for the touchpad)...reboot and see if you get most of the speed back...
also what is

auto correct in safe mode

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