I am really worried about my computer because it wont boot even to the screen where the safe mode options are. So the problem began 2-3 weeks ago when I would load my Facebook page on my google and chrome and it would slow eveything down on my computer, so I referred back to the issue and resolution that I got from you all previously on a similar problem that I had. here is the reference link to that specific topic: My link. So, i followed all those instructions thinking that it would help with this new infection because it seemed like it was a similar thing. I am not sure if I was wrong about my "analysis" of this problem, but these steps only helped my computer for a day. In the next couple of days, everything slowly went downhill. First, it would take forever to boot, then i would reboot and that would not solve anything. i would reboot in safe mode and that work for a little while. Finally, the computer got so bad it would not let me get to the screen where I could choose safe mode.
I ran some analysis under another screen that said something about "diagnostics" and while doing "tests" on the hardrive it indicated that there were several errors. I dont have those numbers right now, but I will update as soon as I get those. PS. I am writing from my work computer about this because I have no way of doing that from my own laptop cause it wont boot obviously.
i really appreciate your prompt help as i really need that laptop to do school work and i really dont want to erase everything that i have on there.
thanks for your consideration, time and patience on this! =)