They never set a restore point on the computer and i really need to get it running. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I tried to get into safe mode with networking but it won't load.
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My research leads me to believe this particular machine will have a version of Windows 7 installed. Can you confirm for myself please which exact Operating System is in use be it 32 or 64 bit and we will go from there, thank you.
Not a problem in the least I assure you and you're welcome!Thank you for the reply and my apologies. It's running Windows 7 64bit.
Not a problem.Sorry for the late reply. i had to buy a new jump drive, and haven't been home until today.
OK try the following as a alternative for me please...I've tried to enter every mode in advanced boot options but have been unsuccessful. I keep getting a drive error and am only able to run in normal windows mode. Any suggestions?
Are you attempting the download using your parents computer? If so that would explain the problem giving the current malware issues.I can't seem to burn this to a CD. I've downloaded several copies and it keeps saying "File Is Corrupt" It makes it to about 30% of extraction and then the corrupt error appears.
Ok, I managed to borrow the neighbors computer and burned the CD. i mounted from the disk it was successful in starting but once it completely loaded the computer crashed and i got a "blue screen" crash error. Stating there was a disc check problem and it needed to shut down to prevent damage.
Where should i go from here :[
Acknowledged.Ok, I managed to borrow the neighbors computer and burned the CD. i mounted from the disk it was successful in starting but once it completely loaded the computer crashed and i got a "blue screen" crash error. Stating there was a disc check problem and it needed to shut down to prevent damage.
Acknowledged you have perhaps a 2lb ball pein hammer? If so whack the computer with it!I forgot to mention this is a secondhand computer so we have no original disks and of course whenever i try to make a recovery disk it won't allow me.
What a mess i have on my hands.
Acknowledged.Ok, I managed to borrow the neighbors computer and burned the CD. i mounted from the disk it was successful in starting but once it completely loaded the computer crashed and i got a "blue screen" crash error. Stating there was a disc check problem and it needed to shut down to prevent damage.
Acknowledged you have perhaps a 2lb ball pein hammer? If so whack the computer with it!I forgot to mention this is a secondhand computer so we have no original disks and of course whenever i try to make a recovery disk it won't allow me.
What a mess i have on my hands.
Levity asisde, let myself have a further think about this particular situation and I will ask for a second opinion from a well respected IT Tech colleague also.
I very much doubt if having read the topic this will work, but please give it a try
Many computer problems are related to soft failures on the hard drive. The comprehensive portion of the HP Hard Drive Self
Test repairs soft errors on the hard drive, but does not report the errors. After the test completes, be sure to restart the computer to determine if the test repaired any problems you are experiencing with your computer
Plug the AC Adapter into the computer if it is not already connected.
Turn off the computer and wait 5 seconds.
Press the Power button to start the computer and repeatedly press the F10 key to enter the BIOS Setup menu.
Use the Right Arrow or Left Arrow keys to navigate through the menu selection to find the Primary Hard Drive Self Test option.
Depending on your BIOS, this may be found below Diagnostics or Tools .If by chance you can get there, run the short test and you should then be offered the selection of the long test
- Select Primary Hard Drive Self Test , and then press the Enter key to start the test.
- Figure 1: Example of a Primary Hard Disk Self Test screen
The other point that comes to my mind is - you say it is second hand - did it ever work Ok or were you unfortunate enough to buy it and find this problem immediately
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