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why would i be missing a registry entry?

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I've been trying to bypass dep settings so I can run a program/plugin on ie8/9. Unfortunately I have windows 7 and I can't install and run an earlier version of ie. I've reset my dep settings in the system manager and ie. That didn't work. I went to the registry to try to reset the dep settings but for some reason I'm missing DWORD key called DEPOff in Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain. I did a new install of ie just in case my old one was corrupt for some reason. Same problem. No DWORD key DEPoff. Why would this key be missing in a fresh install? BTW I understand the "dangers" of what I'm doing here. As an alternative I could use Netscape 4.7 but I can't find a download for it on the internet.
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    Certified monkey.

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The earliest version you can run on windows 7 is ie 8.

Here is the versiion of Netscape you are looking for.
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Thanks. I downloaded netscape 4.7 and i can't run it because it is 32 bit. I can't use microsoft virtual pc because i don't have a licensed copy of xp. Back to my original question. Why would the registry key I need to reset dep be missing? How do I get it back?
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    Certified monkey.

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Not sure about that Someone else will have to help with that.
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There are a lot of keys and values that could be in the registry but aren't (and as far as I can tell the value you want is normally not there. It has not gone missing. ) If they aren't there then the default applies. To change from the default you need to add the key or value. This can easily be done with a .reg file. Download the attached fix.reg file and save it then right click and extract all. Then right click on fix.reg and Merge. That should create the value you want. I would reboot afterward to make sure it takes effect.

If you don't trust my .reg then you can create the value yourself:

Go into Regedit and navigate to
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]

Click on Main then on Edit then on New. Choose DWORD(32 bit) Value and then it will create a new value in the right pane called New Value #1. You just overtype it with DEPOff and hit return. (Use the exact name with the same caps and small letters to be sure it works. I don't know that it cares but I don't know that it doesn't either.) If you then double click on DEPOff you can set it to 1 (off/Disabled) or 0 (On/Enabled) then OK.

I see there is now a QWORD(64 bit) option which you might need if you are working with the 64 bit version of IE.

Personally as an anti-malware guy the idea of turning off Data Execution Protection seems like a really bad idea so I hope you have some really good reason for this.

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Thank You.
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