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suddenly screen resolution is limited to 1024x768

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  • PipPip
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Yesterday I was just surfing the web when my computer crashed. When i restarted it, everything was huge. My resolution was was changed to 800x600. When I went to raise it the highest it would go was 1024x768. I previously had it at 1440x900, and that wasn't as high as it would go. I "restored" to a previous time (a month ago). It still would only go to 1024x768. I restored to a Ghost Image from 3 months ago, and still the same. I downloaded the latest drivers for my 9800 GT and still no joy. This crap with not being able to see the whole screen sucks. Any suggestions? Thanks!
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If you restore from a ghost image created when the system has working fine and now after restore it doesn't then its most likely a hardware problem.
If its a desktop you can open the case and make sure all the cards and cables are properly connected/inserted on the slots.
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