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Forgot Administrative password on BIOS

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The hard drive on my laptop has gone bad and I am afraid if I spend $100 to buy a replacement for it, I will not be able to install it and make it work. Here is why: My laptop can only be booted from the hard drive, and the booting sequence on the BOIS cannot be changed, because it is locked and password-protected. Worst of all, I have forgotten my administrative password to unlock it. Does anyone have any advice for me, please? I will appreciate it. Thanks!
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Open the laptop case, take off the CMOS battery from your motherboard for about 10 seconds and put it back to motherboard.
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There is no way to remove the CMOS battery from a laptop so that will not work. You could try removing the big battery and power then press and hold the power button for 30 seconds or so. Put battery back and power up and pray.

What is the make and model number of the laptop?
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