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    Malware Expert

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I am assuming the zip file was saved to your desktop then extracted which should have created a folder p2pcollab on your desktop with the file inside.
We can then let Combofix do it for us. Otherwise you have to take ownership of the file which is a pain.

Copy the text between the lines of stars by highlighting and Ctrl + c.


C:\Users\Ben\Desktop\p2pcollab\p2pcollab.dll | C:\Windows\SysWOW64\p2pcollab.dll


Now open notepad (Start, Run, notepad, OK) and Ctrl + V to paste the text into Notepad. Make sure you got it all then File, SAVE AS, (to your Desktop), CFScript , OK. Close notepad. (Overwrite the old one if it's still there.) You should see a file CFScript.txt on your desktop.

Pause your anti-virus.

Drag CFScript.txt over to Combofix and let go Combofix should start on its own.

Post the new log.
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I am completely lost:/ can I give you my skype name and you walk you through while we screen share or can you not do that?
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