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pc wont start cant get past error screen

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hi there as my topic title says i cannot start my brand new medion pc tje following messgae screen appears

windows has encountered a problem communicating with a device connected to your computer.

this error can be caused by unplugging a removable storage device such as an external usb drive while the device is in use. or by faulty hardware such as a hard drive or cd-rom drive that is failing. make sure any removable storage is properly connected and restart your computer.

if you continue to recieve this error message contact your hardware manufacturer.


status: 0xc00000e9

info: an unexpected I/O error has occured

i am using my sons laptop to post this as i cannot get past this error screen. also to add the only usb ports i use are for my optical mouse and keyboard and i havent made any changes to the computer appart from install microsoft updates that were for the security of my pc.

i am running windows 7 os

many thanks
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