Congratulations, your PC is clean now.
However, you need to follow some inmportant steps to remove tools and prevent infection again.
Step 1. Uninstalling Programs.
- Open Start menu.
- Click on Control Panel.
- Click on Programs and Features. New window should appear.
- Uninstall these programs one by one, selecting each program and clicking Uninstall button.
Programs to uninstall:
Step 2. Uninstall AdwCleaner.
- Run AdwCleaner on your Desktop.
- Click Uninstall button.
- AdwCleaner will be removed from your computer.
Step 3. CleanUp.
- Run OTL.
- Under the Custom Scans/Fixes box at the bottom, paste in the following:
- Then click the Run Fix button at the top.
- Let the program run unhindered, reboot the PC when it is done.
- After reboot run OTL again.
- Click on CleanUp button.
- OTL will be removed from your computer.
Here are some recommendations for you, how to stay safe in the internet.
- Keep your system up-to-date. It will increase your protection level, because a lot of malware uses system vulnerabilities.
To learn more, how to turn Automatic Updates on, click here.
- Keep another software up-to-date too. Malware often uses third party software vulnerabilities.
You can monitor news about vulnerabilities or simply install software which will scan your computer for outdated and vulnerable software and will notify you about results. Some of these programs are Secunia PSI (Requires installation, you can download it here) and Secunia OSI (java applet, requires Java Runtime Environment, learn more here).
- Keep your antivirus software up-to-date.
Turn on automatic updates for your antivirus, it's a basis of protection. Also, don't forget to keep your antivirus version up-to-date, new versions usually have advanced functionality, clean and prevent infection more effectively, than outdated versions.
- Use limited user account. It will considerably increase your level of protection.
90% of Malware won't work under limited user account, because they need administrator priveleges. If you don't want to use limited user account, then use DropMyRights while you are surfing on the internet.
- Invent strong and long passwords for your accounts, if you want to keep your personal and confidential data in safety.
Some malware have very dangerous functionality - they can crack your passwords. Please, set very strong password for your administrator account in Windows, then malware won't harm your PC. For each account on the internet invent individual password.
Hope, that these recommendations will help you and you will avoid malware infections in the future. Good luck and safe web to you!