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Need your help calculating

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My name is Steve, owner of Itchy And Scratchy Insulators. I’m trying to get a calculator that calculates the cost to insulate peoples attics based on the info they type into my estimation attic calculator. Problem is I have no idea of a program or way to do this for me.
I would like to have this on my website to give potential customers a idea of what it would cost to add blow-in insulation to their attic. For example, they could type in the square footage of the attic space, the thickness of insulation they would like to add and a zip code to calculate the distance to travel to do their job. After entering this info. They could have a instant price to have us blow-in their attic.

Example what i need it to do after they enter their zip code, thickness of insul. and sq. ft. of attic.
So will say someone wants to add ten inches of insulation to 900 sq. ft. of attic space to their house that’s 25 miles away from me. I need the calc. that takes this info. and takes my hidden info. To calc. an answer based on what I charge.

My hidden info. that is plugged in the calculator would be:

I = inches 6-8 inches = $.15 per Sq. ft. per inch. More then 8” = $.12 per inch
S = Sq. ft. (?) Square footage is calculated by measuring the length and the width of a room or whatever you are measuring. Then multiply those measurements. For example, a room 10 feet long by 15 feet wide would be 150 square feet.
D = Distance = $2.30 per mile. Need something that calculates distance from their zip to mine 03042

So in the above scenario the potential customer would just enter 3 factors. 10 for inches, 900 for sq. ft. and a zip code.

The calculator would calculate
8 inches X .15 cents per inch per square foot = $1.20
More then (8”=.12 cents per inch) .12 X 2 more inches = $.24
Total would be $1.44 per sq. ft. @ 10”
$1.44 X 900 sq. ft. = $1,296.00
The zip code they entered calculated 25 miles X $2.30 per mile = $57.50

Total would be 1,296 + 57.50 = $1,353.50
There most be a special calculator that allows me to enter my hidden formulas.
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