I have this problem on my usb just a while ago. I just noticed that my files on my usb was moved somewhere else I can't find. On the root menu of my usb it has a one shortcut menu named (NG (8GB).lnk) and one desktop.ini. This is not the original content of my usb and it was modified by something. My previous format for the root are already my files and folders not these one. Its a 8 gb usb and I wasn't able to find my files. I clicked properties and it still has 2gb more. I ran a scan using MSE and MBAM and it detected a 3 virus. I use MSE first and it detected the three virus namely
1. TROJAN:Win32/Dofton.B items infected fileF:\desktop.ini
2. TROJAN:Win32/DOfton.A items infected file F:\~WYP.USBDrv
3. TROJAN:Win32/Dofton.B items infected file F:\desktop.ini.
MSE removed the infections. Before it was removed I still have accessed to my files but after removing the virus I can't accessed my files it says "Error loading ~$WYP.USBDrv" The specified module could not be found.
I have some very important files on my usb. Maybe you can help me sir on this matter.Thanks in advance.