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Trying to learn as much as possible

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Hey everyone! My name is Tea and I'm here because basically I want to know everything I can about computers. Until my summer semester starts I don't really know where to start. I figured doing some research and looking into forums would be my best bet. I currently work tech support for verizon fios and I just find it so fascinating! I'm going to school to get my degree in computer science as well but I wanted to get my generals out of the way first that's why I haven't done any of the classes yet. I was wondering if there was a place you all started or anything like that. Any help or tips on where to start would be lovely. I mean I do know some things but it is just the basic things (I want to say that everyone would know but some people I work with on a daily basis dont even know what an address bar is in their browser -.-) I'm basically in the awkward middle school age of comouter knowledge because I definately know the basics but I'm not cool enough yet to talk geek with my really technically advance friends :P. Plus this place I can be me and not have to worry about if I'm acting professionally and explain my excitment or frustrations out in the open.
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Welcome to Geeks To Go Tea. :)
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Thank you so much :D
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You are welcome. :thumbsup:
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