I would like advice on which device to buy and which method(s) to use to track and store my notes. I want to be able to:
o Read for extended periods of time (e-readers are better than tablets for this, right?)
o Access a variety of books, preferably for free from the library
o Take notes online and store them for free (you know, the way you can email something to your gmail account and it will be there no matter how many electronic devices you drop in the toilet)
o Use software that allows me to automatically compile notes in a useful way – where I’m able to search for information and reorganize as necessary
o And probably be able to view media (I want to steal all the knowledge veterinarians possess)
I would like to do this as cheaply as possible, of course, and am interested in versatility and dependability; endeavors that require ongoing fees make me nervous due to woeful financial instability. Software that allows me to store information online forever and in an organized, accessible fashion is most important.
Any advice appreciated! Also, f*ck college.