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Multiple BSODs and Crashes with Multiple Error Codes (Previously Helpe

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I can probably find the DVD somewhere among the forbidden electronic junk drawer of no return. If you believe that I will most likely need to do a full Windows Repair either way, then I will just do that instead of doing the System Readiness Tool as well. True, I was trying to avoid that, one because I didn't want to look for it :D , and two as you know it is always a pain to re-install/redo everything. Saying that, I feel at this point in the process there really isn't anything else that will work(Besides, by now I would already be finished with a full repair/re-install). In addition to that, I was trying to figure out just what the heck had went wrong, cause all of this seemed to come out of nowhere but, c'est la vie. I can't thank you enough for your time and patience in trying to solve this problem, you've been more than helpful and all your instructions were superb. If you would still like me to do the System Readiness Tool thing, I will, and if you would like me to try any other tests I will be happy to oblige. If not, then if there is anything I can do to support you or this website, don't hesitate to ask, you've more than earned it.

PS. I do know how to perform a Windows Repair/Re-install so at the very least you won't have to walk me through that :P.
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I expect that's best - certainly the fastest. Not sure what happened to cause it and no guarantee it won't happen again.

When doing a repair install you are going to be very vulnerable until you have all of your windows updates so just make sure you don't go anywhere but to windowsupdate until you have your updates. I like to have a CD copy of the free Avast and the free Online Armor to put on before I go online to make sure I don't get infected before I get all the updates.
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Alright, I'll be careful when installing and use a CD copy of avast as well then. Again, thank you very much.
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