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My pc can't find my Xbox360

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And vice versa.
I'm trying to get my xbox to connect with media center or TVersity.
Im using a wired connection, and when I try to allow the Xbox it is simply not in the list when it should be. Using windows 7, Also I'm using a powerline adapter but I read that can't be an issue.

My xbox and pc are both in the same router and both have internet/live connection.
When i try to set my xbox as an extender it simply says it can't find the xbox. and when I run a connection test on the xbox, for connection with my pc, it tells me there is no connection possible.
Any help?

Edit: I use windows 7 Ultimate (sevice pack 1)
My router is a Cisco EPC3925

I tried manually configuring the networksettings on my xbox, with the xbox still having internet connection. I configured port forwarding for the xbox without succes.
I don't know what to do else.

Edited by Sevron, 10 July 2013 - 08:38 AM.

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