Is there a desktop.ini in the main folder (go up one level)
If so right click and select copy
Then go to the subfolder right click and select paste
Then try to enter the sub folder normally
Yes there is. Pasted it into subfolder but no change.
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Is there a desktop.ini in the main folder (go up one level)
If so right click and select copy
Then go to the subfolder right click and select paste
Then try to enter the sub folder normally
Copy the next line:
notepad C:\Users\Butler\Pictures\desktop.ini
Start, All Programs, Accessories, right click on Command Prompt and Run as Administrator, Continue. Right click and Paste or Edit then Paste and the copied line should appear.
Hit Enter. Notepad should open. Copy the text from notepad and paste it into a reply.
dir %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll > %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt dir %SystemRoot%\system32\imageres.dll >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type %userprofile%\desktop\desktop.ini >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type C:\Users\Public\Music\desktop.ini >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type "C:\Users\Public\Music\Sample Music\desktop.ini" >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type C:\Users\Paul\Music\desktop.ini >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type "C:\Users\Paul\Music\Sample Music\desktop.ini" >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type C:\Users\Pauly\Music\desktop.ini >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type "C:\Users\Pauly\Music\Sample Music\desktop.ini" >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type "C:\Users\Paul\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music\desktop.ini" >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt
These particular subfolders are funny things. They really contain folders from both your login and the public login so let's look at the public one too and also check for the files.
Copy the next lines:dir %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll > %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt dir %SystemRoot%\system32\imageres.dll >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type %userprofile%\desktop\desktop.ini >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type C:\Users\Public\Music\desktop.ini >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type "C:\Users\Public\Music\Sample Music\desktop.ini" >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type C:\Users\Paul\Music\desktop.ini >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type "C:\Users\Paul\Music\Sample Music\desktop.ini" >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type C:\Users\Pauly\Music\desktop.ini >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type "C:\Users\Pauly\Music\Sample Music\desktop.ini" >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt type "C:\Users\Paul\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music\desktop.ini" >> %userprofile%\desktop\junk.txt
Start, All Programs, Accessories, right click on Command Prompt and Run as Administrator, Continue. Right click and Paste or Edit then Paste and the copied lines should appear.
Hit Enter. Notepad should open. Copy and paste the text from notepad into a reply.
That seems a deadend. The files are present and the FolderType=MusicAlbum. MusicBuyUrl= garbage is from Windows Media Player.
Now it's time for the heavy weapons. (Cue: Star Wars theme)
download Process Monitor
Save it to your desktop. Run Process Monitor (right click and Run As Admin)
As soon as it starts, try to open one of the folders which is causing the problem. I'm going to assume it's videos if that's not right then change the following to the same name.
Then back at Process Monitor, File, then uncheck Capture Events. Once it stops,
Now click on Edit at the top of the page and then Find. Type in Videos then Find Next. Scroll it so the found line is at the top, then go down to the bottom of the page, hold down the shift key and click on the last line. That should highlight a full page of events.
File, Save, Highlighted Events, Format: Comma-Separated Values (CSV) then OK. It should save the file to logfile.csv which should be on your desktop. Close Process Monitor. Turn off P&P and zip up the logfile.csv and attach it to a Reply. (You can also just rename it to logfile.txt and attach it if you don't have 7-zip or winzip)
Hopefully the error will show up on this page. Otherwise we have to look at the full log which requires more work on both our parts.
Edited by baddabing101, 02 August 2013 - 02:25 PM.
Following files were not found:
"C:\Program Files\Tuguu SL\Zipper\Zipper.exe"
Only the top one can be considered an applications so that's my bet. .xml file is used to share your work with other employees so I think it's just something that is not used but they check on it anyway.
Let's try the top one. I'm thinking it might show up in ShellExView which you ran earlier. If instead of sorting it by company name you click once or twice on Microsoft which should be the third or fourth column header from the RIGHT, you should be able to get all of the NOs at the top. Do you see anything like zipper or Tuguu among the NOs? If so, click on it then click on the little red led looking symbol near the top left. This should disable it. Now close ShellExView and reboot then try to open the folder again. If you are still having the problem then run process monitor again as before and try and open your folder. This time Edit, Find and see if you can find zipper.exe.
If it's still there then try regseeker:
Get Regseeker:
Then click on Downloads
The downloads are at the bottom. I would use the bottom one where it says RegSeeker Portable 2.5 (.zip No installation. Just unzip in any folder)
(We do not want the Babylon toolbar!)
Download and Save (right click and Open Folder) then right click and Extract All. Extract. This will create a folder Regseeker25p. Inside it will be another Regseeker25p folder and in that will be the regseeker.exe which you need to right click on and Run As Administrator. Select Find in Registry.
Type: zipper.exe
in the Search For: box.)
Then click on Search! to the right of the box. Wait until it finishes which will take 10-15 minutes.
If it finds anything then Delete any of them that are associated with Tuguu SL.
I am curious why only the one folder is missing the folder.gif and folder.jpg. I hunted around in my Win 7 and only found the one folder.jpg in
C:\Users\Public\Music\Sample Music (which looks like C:\Users\Public\Public Music\Sample Music when you look at it in Explorer)
0/22/2011 01:23 PM 23,226 Folder.jpg
Turns out it's an album cover. So it's possible something about C:\Users\Paul\Pictures\2010-06-16\ makes it think it needs an album cover. If all else fails you might move C:\Users\Paul\Pictures\2010-06-16 to your desktop so it won't be involved.
Edited by baddabing101, 03 August 2013 - 07:11 AM.
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