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My computer will not download ANYTHING!

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Have a fabulous evening :)
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Combofix does not show any trace of Norton or of an obvious firewall. There is Crossloop software running. It apparently is used for remote control of the PC perhaps by the people who are supposed to be maintaining your computer.

There is also something in the winsock stack called wvauth. I'm not sure exactly what it does. I could remove it but might break something in the process. My gut feeling is we are being blocked by an office firewall. Is there anyone in the office you could ask about the firewall?
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the Crossloop software is for our bookkeeper. She uses my computer to look at QuickBooks. Nobody in our office is going to know about the firewall. We are a small independently owned franchise and we don't have a computer tech or anyone who maintains our stuff. I wish that we did, but my boss thinks that they are too expensive. I do have Firefox up and running and Google Chrome is running well. We had a really bad lightening storm last night, I shut down my computer before I left and it said that there were 97 Windows updates. It scared me a lot. This morning, when I turned it back on it had to configure all of them, also scared me. But, all is well. :)
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Do a search for wvauth.dll and then right click on it and select Properties. See if you can figure out what company it is from.

Sounds like Windows Updates is happy now. Probably hasn't worked for a while which is why you had so many updates. Go into Control panel, Windows Updates and see if it has any more for you. Often the updates need updates.

Is Microsoft Security Essentials able to update? If not you can manually download the updates. http://support.micro....com/kb/971606. It might be worth going back to Norton if your office has a license for it. Assume the firewall is set up to let Norton through.

I'm going to be off line until Sat night. Have to take the wife to SeaTac for an early morning flight so we have to stay overnight near the airport. Sounds like your PC is more or less OK now so you should be OK until Monday.
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I have no idea how to thank you enough. You're the man!
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It says, "Wave Systems Corp." Microsoft security did update. I will check for more Windows updates.
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My PC is so much better. I am having another issue now though. I totally understand if you decline to help. I was trying so hard to download this office software from a disc before you started helping me, and mow I've run into a permissions/networking issue and I can't open the database that is located on my office manager's computer. He has no idea how to help. Have a super night with your Honey.

Edited by Lauriek1970, 06 September 2013 - 04:55 PM.

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He either has to share the folder that the files are in

or allow you to Map a network drive to his PC.

(You will need the PC's name and a login and password that has permission to access the folder
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well, I shared the files that I needed from his computer. Now, when I try to open the database, the program either stops working or it says that the tdb file can't be found. Maybe I should call our corporate techs to fix this one.
Thanks for all of your help. You're awesome!
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What database is this and does it still work on the computer where it lives?
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