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some desktop icons and files disappered after opening a file

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so the thing is that i installed a program, which I made sure wasn't a virus, spyware or malvare by scanning it (with AVG). I then opened it and it worked fine, but then i had a file from my desktop which i opened with the program, and then it came up with an error about something that it wasn't compatible. I then just stopped the program and everything was fine except that some of my desktop icons and files were randomly gone, including the file i tried to open. I tried looking for the files on my computer but I couldn't find them anywhere I then tried to show all unhidden files but they were not hidden, and then i tried recuva to look for the files, but the had just vanished, and I tried to search the web but nobody seems to have the problem i am having. My question is now, does anybody know where my dekstop icons and files have gone. Have they been deleted or moved, or what have happened?
I appreciate all answers and i hope someone out there knows what is wrong.

I am sorry if this thread is misplaced and is missing the status rapport, but i don't really think it is a virus, i just think it is some kind of bug.
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