Windows 8 can be a bit difficult to use compared to Windows 7. It can be tamed though.
Start Button:If you install
Classic Shell (free) or
Stardock's Start8 ($4.99) or similar software then you can have the Start button as it was in Windows 7 and boot directly to the Desktop. You can still play with Metro stuff but it's not forced on you.
Windows 7 games:You can also get the Windows 7 games for Windows 8, see here:
http://www.eightforu...html#post136935Windows 7 Gadgets:Windows 7 Gadgets are also available if you want them:
8GadgetPack - Gadgets for Windows 8UAC:I find UAC extremely annoying. If you do too then to (mostly) disable
UAC, Press
Windows key + R to open the Run window.
msconfig and press
Click on the
Tools tab.
Change UAC settings and click
Move the slider all the way to the bottom then click OK.
Some parts of UAC will still be alive, so to completely disable it you need to change a registry key.
EnableLUASet the value to
0You cannot use any Metro Apps or the App Store when UAC is disabled. If you've gone this far, you can also disable all hot corners so you will not get any of the Windows Charms popups. Just check the Classic Shell and Start8 options to do this.