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Virtumonde.dll infection

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OK I see what went wrong. Go back in and tell it


first so it doesn't try to do the x: drive.

Then try the

chkdsk /r

Unfortunately it doesn't appear that sfc /scannow can be run from the recovery console. I don't suppose you have the Windows disk?

Did you try the memory test?
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Also - got a good suggestion from our admin: can you boot into the BIOS/CMOS setup. (Reboot and hit F1 or F2 - usually it will tell you what to do. On some Lenovo products there is a special key - blue ThinkVantage button) Do you see the pink dots there?
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says the file system NTSF.
Cannot lock current drive.

chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. chkdsk may run if this volume is discontinued first. All opened handles to this volume would then be invalid.

Would you like to force a dimount on this volume?

I said yes, scan took about 15 seconds and said no problems were found.

I still have artifact when in the bios. ( dots and vertical green lines(bars)).
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I still have artifact when in the bios. ( dots and vertical green lines(bars)).

Hardware issue then. Hopefully it is something simple like bad RAM. Run the memory test and see if it finds anything. Hopefully it is not overheating. Get Speedfan and watch the temps. I suppose you could try to reset the BIOS to default. Sometimes that fixes weird problems.


Download, save and Install it (Win 7 or Vista right click and Run As Admin.) then run it.

It will tell you your temps. If they seem hot (over 50) then check Automatic Fan Speed.
Leave it running and see if the temps drop. What it does on a laptop if it works is turn the fan on full which seems to help.
Also prop up the back of the laptop with a book (don't block the vents).
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I think that laptop has seen it's better days. The CPU usage was almost maxxed out all the time and the temps were above 70 almost all the time as compared to mine which stays stays just below 50 most of the time.

That laptop served it's purpose. I bought it used on Ebay over 3 years ago. I'll probably try and find another one similar to it without a hard drive for under $100 and put this hard drive in that one.

Thanks again Ron.

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