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Desktop files missing, XPCOM error & more

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  • PipPipPip
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My problem began with receiving an error in Quickbooks that investigation, instructed me to roll back my version of Internet Explorer. I did this by uninstalling the latest Windows IE update. This did not fix my Quickbooks error message. This also caused 1/2 the icons on my desktop to disappear, including file folders, program shortcuts. I used the system roll back feature to restore my computer to just before I uninstalled the Windows IE update. This did not fix the problem. Now, when I attempted to start Firefox, I received an error regarding XPCOM. I've run Malware AntiMalware program and received no infections.

I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium (SP2) on a Dell Studiio 1737. I have attached my OTL.txt file here after clicking just the Run Scan button. Can anyone advise?? Thanks!

Attached Files

  • Attached File  OTL.Txt   165.6KB   85 downloads

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  • PipPipPip
  • 106 posts
This issue is killing me! Carbonite does not show any of the files I am missing. If anyone can help to recovery from this problem, it would be greatly appreciated.
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