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suspected Spy device in a car

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I (and my family) are being followed by some people on a daily basis(and often a few times a day). They are following us almost everywhere and the purpose is to harass us and also to cause lots of stress and distress. Almost without doubt, they are following our car; arriving in the parks, supermarkets, Leisure centres everywhere within minutes of our arrival. This is probably happening for more than a year but we came to suspect it very recently.

Now, the help I need is to suggest: Is there any gadget implanted in our car or they are accessing some kind of car tracker? What is the broad range of technologies available? In case something is implanted in my car, how to detect it and how does such a device get the energy/charged? Whose help should I take? Already spoke to some normal motor mechanics but they said they are not engaged in this.I have already spoken to police but they are saying the technology is only available to themselves and not to common public. I am not sure about this.

Please remember that this is causing enormous trouble for me, my spouse and the children and your assistance will be very helpful.
Thanks a lot in advance
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:welcome: I'm sorry, but we don't do surveillance and electronic tracking. We remove viruses and malware from computers.
There are tracking devices that can be put on automobiles, but again, we do computers.

I'm not sure why the police would tell you that this kind of tracking equipment is only available to them. You can find GPS tracking devices in most electronics stores and all over the internet.
Sounds like you should go to another police station and talk to someone who isn't named Barney Fife, or Goober or Gomer.
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This certainly not our usual fare but it is interesting. I would Google "GPS tracking devices" and look at sites like:

http://www.brickhous...hct pro plus.do

so I knew what to look for then take the car to a gas station with a lift and have them look for something that does not belong. These things usually are powered from the car's own 12 volts via a clamp on vampire tap so you could look for one of them too or any wiring that looked like it was not part of the regular harness.


PS Perhaps the local police station was not cooperating because they already knew about the GPS tracker? Might be one of theirs or they might know that the FBI or somebody like that was interested in you. Then again they might not have believed you. You might try using a video camera to document these people who are following you and also try to get a list of the license plate numbers. Might be interesting to look up the owners of the plates.
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    Miss Congeniality

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Hi TheNewExplorer,

Welcome! :happy:

There are laws against stalking, though you don't say where you are from. Following is a link that covers the laws in the United States:

Welcome to the Stalking Resource Center.

You could easily take your vehicle to a local repair shop, or as RKinner suggested to a local gas station with a lift, and have them take a look to verify no GPS unit or similar was installed on your vehicle.

Other than that, get yourself a hand held camcorder (again, as RKinner has suggested) and every time you are followed, harassed, etc. turn it on and allow the perpetrator(s) to see that you are recording (or not) the incidence as evidence, unless of course, you know for sure that perpetrator(s) has a history of being violent then I would get the evidence and call police. A license plate number wouldn't be a bad idea (ditto again!) either along with a description of the vehicle and the perpetrator(s).
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    OT Moderator

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good answers gang!!
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    Mechanised Mod

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A budget device is available from here
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check under your car as most common on the market devices stick to a metal surface under the car or some place they cant be seen, but I doubt it is one of these. I would check your phones as they can be tracked to (reset them to default check the car inside and out for tracker they are not small magnetic car trackers, once phone is reset you can scan with a number of android malware applications. OK phone scanned and car checked your ready to test if it was one of these) Get in your car by your self and drive some place, the best way to tell if you are being followed isn't to drive like a loony it's to drive slowly very slowly and carefully making sure your doing so does not endanger any one, make lots of stops and turns to odd places. Don't forget to ware the tin foil scull cap :P
On a serious note if you are being followed get some evidence IE video and photo of the accused making sure it's valid evidence and hand it to the police, if they don't do anything seek legal advice.
If your in the UK then it is illegal to use this device to track you except by the police, councils and security services, if they are on ya case then you must have been a bad boy. The council and police use the magnetic stick on one thats pretty easy to find but the security service use a number of different devices that wont be easy to always find.
Oh you can buy a scanner that will scan your car for devices such as tracking and listing but the good ones are expensive, the cheaper ones don't always work I've tried a few. My best tool is a mirror on a broom handle to look under the car works great.

Best of luck with your anti surveillance, your best bet is the legal option, I know I had a stalker for 4 years it's not nice.

Edited by hairyeyes, 19 November 2013 - 04:42 PM.

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