- Open up the dotnetfx tool.
- Click through the EULA popups
- On the screen to select which veriosn to cleanup, click the drop down arrow to the right and choose .NET Framework 3.0
- Click the Cleanup Now button.
Download the .Net Framework 3.0 Service Pack 2 installer from here to your desktop and install.
Once done reboot the computer.
- Open up the dotnetfx tool again.
- Click through the EULA popups
- On the screen to select which veriosn to cleanup, click the drop down arrow to the right and choose .NET Framework 3.5
- Click the Cleanup Now button.
Download the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 installer from here to your desktop and install.
Once done reboot the computer.
Let me know the outcome and please include any error codes you receive in the process.